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Great Leadership Happens Every Day

Great Leadership Happens Every Day, In Small Ways!

Today serves as a gentle reminder that great leadership, especially in the time of crisis, happens everyday in the smallest of ways. As or new norm is either Zoom/WebX or simple teleconferences, where the body language is a bit harder to decipher…it's more important now to up our verbal communication skills.

In the spirit of ensuring I am demonstrating empathetic leadership I have been focusing on my "and strategy." Which is at the start of ALL meeting establishing a CONNECTION first, as it is just as important as delivering the CONTENT. I have had to go back to basics and dialed up the usage of terminology of emotions and actions. This way with all of the distractions, there is a clear understanding of how I am feeling about a situation and what I am expecting to be done.

Dialing up expressive language:

  • I am feeling good about…

  • I am concerned…

  • I am excited about…

  • I am relieved about…

  • I am proud of the progress, considering the circumstance

  • I am confident/optimistic we will accomplish….

  • I am curious about…tell me more…

  • How can I help with…

  • In order to complete this by xxx, what do you need

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