In these unprecedented time of change and distress, we have to continue to identify ways that we can connect and/or share our personal experiences. The most fundamental way to do so is through storytelling. This level of give and take allows the leaders and employees to capture the minds and emotions of the individuals across the table from them. Stories don't just make us like each other…they make us LIKE each other. They make us similar.
For leaders, it will take courage to share personal experiences and to ask questions of others, humility to listen and say thank you to those who share their experiences, and discipline to keep an open mind allowing for the creation of a new narrative.
Ask me about my life and you will get a story…I have several in my library!
Share a comment about how a story has reshaped the way you thought about something and moved you towards a specific action.
#feedforward #whatsyourstory #conversationfirst #purposedriven #leadership #development #emotionalintelligence #buildingtrust #leadingfromtheheart #authenticallyme #personalconnection #teachablemoments #changeenablement #changemanagement #culturechange #executivecoaching #impactingsquared
